Annie is a golden retriever with a wonderful personality.  Training her was a breeze, as she is highly motivated to please and learn.  She loves to work. 

Annie is always up for an adventure.  She has lots of spunk to go tearing around at the dog park or swimming in the river, but loves to settle down and take a nap once we get home. 

Annie loves people!  They are her favorite thing!  She loves to interact with and exchange affection with people of all ages. 

Annie has been trained and competed in obedience, rally obedience, and agility.  She has also been trained as a retriever and been hunting.  She is from hunting lines. 

Annie’s accomplishments include:

March 2018         CKC Rally Novice

March 2018         CKC Companion Dog

May 2018             CKC Rally Advanced

Dec. 2018             CKC Rally Excellent

March 2019         CKC Canine Good Neighbor

May 2019             CKC Rally Masters

Annie has had both her hips and eyes tested with the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA).  Her hips were rated as excellent and her eyes as normal. 

Annie is from Golden Retriever Haven in Lowe Farm, MB. 


Continue scrolling down to see a video and more pictures of her.